
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

My Second Reflection

My Second Reflection

  • What the different is between assessment and test. Assessment is what you do it every day whether test is more formal.

  • In project base assessment what should be assessed. It is not only result but also the process that should be assessed.

  • Scientific approach is an approach which is start with problems. First step of scientific approach is observation. It is by giving a model to students, a good teacher always give a modeling or example.

  • How to explain linguistic feature to our students. It is by giving a words “ciri khas” of recount text or narrative text, etc.

  • How to explain social function. It is by giving a question.

  • IPK in English should consider 4 characteristic; one of them is critical thinking and problem solving. A critical teacher will give the same treatment to all students. Critical thinking and problem solving according to taxonomy bloom are consist of six things:

  1. Knowledge means that it is factual information. For example, the students should remember that to be is (are, am , is).

  2. Comprehension

  3. Application

  4. Analysis

  5. Synthesis

  6. Evaluation

Are we critical enough or not? If we as a teacher explain to primary students about past tense, we have to explain with work something on it. If we explain past tense to junior high students, we can show a video to students and the students should find out past tense in the video.

In making a lesson plan, we should think about what material will be delivered, what the activity is in the class, how long the material will be delivered and what the competency is will be get by the students. Main component of lesson plan are what the objective is, how the method is, and how to assess. There are four steps in Lesson plan:

  1. We have to motivate at the first thing by introduce the topic to the students:

- warn up (what did you do? How are you?)

- Review (what did we learn to do last time?)

- Introduce the topic (Today, we are learning to understand medicine label)

- ask the learner about their own experience (do you take a medicine? Where do you buy a medicine?)

It needs 15-10 minute to give motivation or apresepsi. Both teacher and students are talk in this stage.

  1. Preventative of new material

Introduces the new competency, vocabulary, structure, etc. it needs 15 minutes, the teacher does most of talking in the class.

  1. Practice

Techniques for practice:

  • In pairs, practice conversation from the textbook.

  • Provide prompts to change the conversation

  • Students have to practice it with several different sets of vocabulary or circumstance.

  • Students use the labels to fill the exercise to be answered

  • Games for controlled practice.

It needs 25-35% of our class. The students do almost all of talking in this segment.

  1. Application (gets students using the new language for their own real reasons)

It is the reason for the lesson. In skill of speaking, the students can do activity such us:

- Role plays (their own conversation)

- Project base: The students get information and compile it.

- Group discussion-making

It needs 25-35% of our class time. Students do all of talking and in this segment. Assignment, or homework, wrap-up should also follow. Evaluation can be done by asking a question. We can use the word excellent; good; well done to motivate the students.

In classroom action research, there are six characteristic:

  1. Reflective critique. Reflection is an evaluation or assessment effort, and this reflection needs to be a critical effort. So, there will be changes.

  2. Dialectic critique.

  3. Risking disturbance

  4. Creating plural structures

  5. Theory and practice Internalized

Teks sistematik dan teks fungsional

  1. Explicit

  2. Needs-based

  3. Systematic(runtut dan terpadu)

  4. Supportive (membantu pembelajaran dan kreatifitas dalam penggunaan bahasa

  5. Critical

  6. Empowering

  7. Sadar akan makna teks

Genre consist of stories, factual, evaluating

Jenis teks ada 3, yaitu:

  1. Teks transaksi interpersonal

  • Good luck - hai                  - see you later      - thank you      -Pay attention please

  1. Teks transaksi Interaksional

  2. Menawarkan- diterima/ditolak

A: Can you close the door please?

B: sure.

  1. Mengundang- diterima/ditolak

A: Can you come to my home?

B: I’m sorry I can’t

  1. Asking for assessment- setuju/tidak

A: what do you think about that cat?

B: It’s cute.

  1. Bertanya- dijawab/tidak dijawab

A: where do you live?

B: I live in Bandung

  1. Memberi pujian- diterima/ditolak

A: How beautiful your veil?

B: Thanks

  1. Mengeluh- meminta maaf


A: the food is too salty

B: I’m sorry, I will replace it

A: Be careful, there is a hole in that street

B: yes, thanks

  1. Menuduh-menyangkal

A: Do you break that computer, doesn’t you?

B: no, I don’t break that.

  1. Teks fungsional

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