
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Questions to avoid during HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) learning activities



Hi eveyone. Enjoy reading the posts that I will share.
There are several questions for English teachers that should be avoided when teaching English using HOTS (high order thinking skills).

Three questions to avoid  :

 1. what is the social function of this text ?
2. what is the structure text of the text?
3. what is the language feature of the text?

It is because they will not understand the question about social function, structure text,  language feature.

 We should ask to the students about their understanding of social function of text such us:
1. Where do you usually found the text?
2. How do you fell after  reading the text?
3. What is the writer intention of text?
4. Describe the purpose of the text?
5. If do you , how do you fell?
6. What do you think?
7. Why his feeling is change?
 8. How do you feel after reading the second paragraph

We can ask to the students about structure text of text, such us:
1. What happen in the first paragraph ?
2. What is the first paragraph about?

Some question about  language feature :
1. Circle or underline, which consist of verb or object?
2. Circle verb which means as a noun?
3. What kind of expression does the people have?

Friday, September 21, 2018

manusia terbaik

Hasil penelitian yang bapak lakukan pada sekolah SMK di Bandung tentang baca Quran memperoleh hasil yaitu sembilan puluh delapan persen siswa SMK di salah satu sekolah di Bandung tak bisa membaca Al-Quran. Di SMK sekolah lain di daerah Bandung juga ada sekitar delapan puluh tujuh persen  siswa tak bisa baca Al- Quran. Penduduk muslim terbanyak di dunia namun masyarakatnya belum bisa membaca Al- Quran. Itulah pernyataan yang dosen PAI sebutkan di salah satu pengajian yang masih teringat dibenak Sinta saat melihat anak-anak kecil seumuran 6 tahun sedang melakukan sholat masjid di salah satu masjid dekat mall.
Rita dan Sinta sengaja pergi ke salah satu mall di Bandung untuk berbelanja kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti mie instan, susu, deterjen, dan lainnya. Mereka pergi pada pukul 17.30 dari kosan mereka. Sesampainya di Mall, mereka mendengarkan kumandang adzan magrib, langsung saja mereka berdua mencari Masjid.
Masjid tersebut cukup dibilang agak jauh dari Mall, karena mereka harus berjalan melalui gang yang mana sisi-sisi gang tersebut adalah rumah masyakarat di situ. Belok kanan, ke kiri lalu ke kanan lagi dan ke kanan lagi, akhirnya mereka menemukan masjid yang mana lantai dua masjid itu sedang direnovasi. Mereka merasa kelelahan karena mereka berjalan dengan agak cepat agar bisa mendapat pahala sholat berjamaah.
Setelah mereka menemukan masjid, Sinta langsung saja mencari tempat wudhu dan mengambil air wudhu. Kebetulan Rita sedang haid, jadi hanya Sinta saja yang yang mengambil air wudhu. Setelah itu, Sinta dan Rita menuju ke masjid lantai dua yang sedang di renovasi itu karena shaf akhwat ada dilantai dua sedangkan shaf ikhwan ada dilantai satu. Ketika mereka memasuki masjid, mereka melihat anak-anak kecil sumuran 6 tahun sedang duduk berjajar menunggu iqomat, wajah mereka mungil dan lucu. Ada seitar delapan anak yang sedang menunggu iqomah, tanpa ada orang dewasa disitu. Setelah iqomat, Sinta pun langsung mengabil mukena dan dan melakukan sholat magrib berjamaah. Selepasnya, anak-anak itu langsung menuju Sinta dan Rita dan bersalaman. Mereka berdua ditanya oleh anak-anak kecil itu. Kakak dari mana? Kakak besok kesini lagi tidak? Sholat disini.
Sontak Rita pun menjawab “Tidak dek, kita hanya sedang mampir saja sholat disini.” Anak-anak itu pun langsung terlihat muram, “yah kakak.” Sinta teringat apa yang dosen Sinta katakan tentang buta aksara baca Al-Quran, maka Sinta pun langsung bertanya. “Ada baca Al-Quran tidak dek dimesjid ini?” salah satu anak yang mengenakanmukena pink itu menjawab “Ada kak, tapi guru ngaji iqro kita sudah pindah ke tempat lain, jadi tidak ada yang mengajar kami ngaji iqro lagi. Kakak bisa ngajar kita ngaji?” Tanya anak itu.
Seketika pernyataan dan pertanyaan anak itu membuat Sinta teringat sebuah hadits Khorirunnas Anfa’uhum Linnas yang artinya “sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi orang lain” dan sebuah ayat Al-Qur’an in ahsantum ahsantum liangfusikum “Jika kalian berbuat baik, sesungguhnya kalian berbuat baik bagi diri kalian sendiri” (QS. Al- Isra:7).
Sinta tak langsung menjawab pertanyaan anak itu, karena Sinta sedang sibuk dengan kuliah nya serta tugas-tugas kuliah yang menumpuk. Sinta menjawab “Insya Allah  nanti kakak kesini lagi kalau ada waktu ya dek” jawab ank-anak yang lain “oh iya kak hati-hati ya di jalan nya, Assalamualaikum”. Sinta dan Rita menjawab “ iya dek, waalaikumsalam”.
Kami mengakhiri perjumpaan dengan anak-anak itu dengans salam, dan kita lekas pergi ke mall untuk membeli kebutuhan. Selepasnya, kita pun pulang ke kosan dan istirahat. Di kosan, Sinta memikirkan apa yang harus dia lakukan dengan anak-anak itu, mengajarkan mereka Iqro atau fokus kepada tugas-tugas kuliah yang menumpuk itu. Sinta terus  berkecambuk dalam hatinya akan hal-dunia dan hal-hal yang bisa dia lakukan untuk mengamalkan hadits itu, sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Dia pun teringat akan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh dosen PAI nya tentang buta aksara Al-Quran. Dia langsung saja membuat keputusan, saya harus bisa menyelesaikan tugas-tugas kuliah dan membantu anak-anak itu membaca Al-Qur’an.
Dengan tekad yang kuat, setelah direnungkan dan difikirkan, Sinta pergi ke masjid itu keesokan harinya dengan mengajak Rita, namun sayangnya Rita tak bisa karena banyaknya pekerjaan kuliah yang belum dia selesaikan. Akhirnya Sinta pergi sendiri dibarengi tekad yang kuat untuk membantu adek-adek itu dalam membaca Al-Quran.
Sinta berjalan di gang terebut dan sampai dimesjid itu sebelum adzan magrib berkumandang, setibanya dimesjid tak ditemui anak-anak itu, mungkin karena belum adzan jadi belum pada datang, Pikirnya. Lalu setelah terdengar adzan Allohu akbar Allohu akbar, anak-anak itu datang satu per satu dan Sinta pun menyapa Nya “Assalamualaikum, adek-adek.” “waalaikumsalam, kakak” jawab anak-anak itu. “Kakak kesini lagi, Alhamdulillah, kaka mau ngajar iqro ke kami kan kak? “Tanya adek yang bermukena pink itu. Mereka sangat membutuhkan dan haus akan ilmu membaca Al-quran. Terlihat dari semangat mereka yang membaca ketika meminta Sinta untuk mengajarkan iqro kepada mereka.
“Iya dek, Alhamdulillah kakak bisa ngajar adek iqro disini setelah lepas sholat magrib pada hari malam sabtu dan malam minggu.” Anak-anak itu menjawab sembari memeluk Sinta dengan erat. “Alhamdulillah, makasih kakak.” “Iya dek, sama-sama.” Jawab Sinta.
Sinta adalah akhwat yang tangguh, berjalan sendiri, melewati malam, menatap sang bintang, untuk berjuang mengajarkan iqro pada anak-anak itu, tanpa takut bahaya yang mengintai. Setiap malam sabtu dan malam minggu, Sinta luangkan waktu untuk membantu anak-anak itu mengenal, membaca Al-quran, semoga amalan yang Sinta lakukan akan mendapat pahala di sisi Rob Nya. Aamiin ya robbal alamin.

Menanti dan Berharap

Kang Raihan adalah sosok ikhwan yang suka memimpin. Dia adalah kepala cabang di sebuah kantor zakat. Nadiya, Bunda Nur, Teh hani adalah tiga akhwat sholehah yang menjadi bagian dari staf dikantor zakat tersebut selama setahun. Mereka semua seumuran, hanya saja panggilan yang berbeda disematkan oleh Nadiya pada Nur, dan Hani. Nadiya, sosok akhwat yang tangguh, sabar, dan kadang cerewet. Bunda Nur, di panggil bunda karena sosok nya yang keibuan, penuh kasih sayang, selalu memberi semangat dan solusi dari setiap permasalahan yang ada. Teh hani adalah sosok seorang yang suka menghibur, masih kayak kekanak kanakan kadang-kadang.
Sudah menjadi kebiasaan bahwa pada hari jumat jam 13.00 di kantor zakat sering diadakan rapat untuk membahas tentang zakat dan biasanya hari minggu sering diadakan stand zakat di tempat-tempat ramai. Seperti biasa, Nadiya pun bersiap siap untuk datang ke kantor dengan pakaiannya yang rapi pada hari jumat itu, dia melihat kedepan kaca sembari mengucap dengan nada rendah Allohumma kama hasanta holqi fahasin huluqi dan mengenakan kerudung yang menutupi hingga lengan nya dan gamis kesukaannya. Kesukaan kerudungnya adalah hitam atau coklat dan gamis yang disuka nya adalah hitam atau biru dongker. Setelah itu, dia mengucap salam pada ibunya lalu pergi berjalan keluar rumahnya sembari berkata lembut dalam hati bismillahi tawakaltu allalloh lahaula wala quwwata illabillah. 
Matanya melihat kearah kanan jalan sambil menunngu angkot yang ditunggu-tunggu nya, setelah menunggu beberapa menit datanglah angkot tersebut dan tangannya menunjuk sebagai tanda bahwa nadiya ingin menyetop angkot tersebut untuk dia tumpangi. Akhirnya naiklah nadiya menuju angkot dengan kaki kanan mendahului dan kaki kiri setelahnya. Sembari berkata dalam hati bismillahi majreha wamursaha. Setelah sejam perjalanan nadiya pun tiba di kantor dan mengetuk pintu sembari mengucap salam, Assalamualaikum. Setibanya disana, baru hanya ada satu orang dikantor tersebut, yaitu teh hani. Waalaikumsalam. Jawab teh hani dari dalam kantor. Teh hani pun cipika cipiki ketika kita bertemu. Yang lainnya belum pada datang teh? Tanya nadiyya. Sudah ada, tadi kang raihan sudah kesini paling awal, cuman dia pergi dulu ke luar buat cari makan. Jawab teh hani. Jam pun memunjukkan pukul 13.10 dan datanglah kang Raihan. Assalamualaikum. Udah pada datang yang lainnya? Tanya kang Raihan. Belum kang, belum pada kesini. Jawab teh hani. Nadiya, Tolong sms atau telepon bunda lg dimana? Rapat mau segera dimulai, ini udah telat 10 menit belum pada datang. Iya kang, jawab Nadiya. Assalamualaikum, bunda nur lagi dimana? Ini kang raihan nanyain lagi dimana?. Bunda nur berbalas lagi di angkot bentar lgi nyampe dan setelah 5 menit kemudian, berkumpullah kita dan membahas tentang sosialisasi zakat. Dan disini terjadilah hal yang membuat nadiya terkejut dan senang. Tiba-tiba diakhir rapat kang raihan bilang pada nadiya dihadapan bunda nur dan teh hani, Nadiya, mau gak nikah dengan ana? Serentak nadiya terdiam beberapa detik. Dan tak menjawabnya. Dan ditanya untuk kedua kalinya, mau gak nikah sama ana?
Nadiyya memang memendam rasa pada kang Raihan ketika awal bertemu di kantor itu ketika awal memasukan lamaran pekerjaan. Namun tak pernah sedikit pun Nadiyya menceritakannya atau mengungkapkannya pada kang raihan. Dan ternyata kang raihan pun memendam rasa yang sama setelah kang raihan mengucapkan pertanyaan itu pada nadiyya. Nadiya dan raihan tak pernah berkomunikasi lewat pesan singkat atau whatsapp tentang hal2 pribadi, hanya tentang urusan zakat saja dan tiba2 kang raihan mengucapkan hal yang membuat hati akhwat berbunga bunga. Nadiyya berbeda dari sosok akhwat yang lain, dia tak pernah berpacaran dari mulai sd sampai kuliah, dan tiba-tiba ada yang mengucapkan pertanyaan itu. Tak heran nadiya sontak terdiam dan tak langsung menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.
Sekali lagi kang raihan bertanya, mau nikah sama ana gak?. Emmh….. Ya. Jawab nadiya dengan malu-malu. Sontak wajah kang raihan berseri seri dan tersenyum lebar, nadiyya pun tertunduk malu. Bunda dan teh hani hanya berbisik cie cie, selamat ya, kepada Nadiya.
Setelah kejadian menakjubkan itu, nadiya dan kang raihan tak pernah terfikir untuk saling berkomunikasi. Mereka hanya bertemu seperti biasa pada rapat.
Suatu hari….
Kang raihan mengirim pesan singkat di facebook menanyakan perihal perasaan nadiya kepada kang raihan dan keseriusannya untuk menikahi nadiya.
Assalamualaikum, Nadiyya, apa ada perasaan ke ana gak?
Ya kang ada jawab nadiyya.
Benar? Saya serius ingin melamar anti.
Boleh kang, datang saja ke bapak ana.
Setelah itu…
Hari berikutnya nadiya dapat pesan singkat di whatsapp.
Kang raihan mau ke rumah Nadiya ya hari ini sama keluarga setelah ashar.
Oh Iya kang, nadiya dan keluarga tunggu ya.
Setelah itu datanglah kang raihan beserta keluarga nya ke rumah nadiya dan disambut oleh keluarga nadiya. Disana mereka melakukan lamaran. Dan semuanya berlangsung dengan lancar.
Tibalah suatu hari…..
Dimana kejadian tak terduga datang lagi.
Pada rapat selanjutnya, mereka kedatangan staf baru, mba ina namanya, akhwat yang cantik dan sholehah serta kerudungnya yang panjang hingga menutupi seluruh tangannya. Berbeda dengan nadiya yang hanya menutupi setengan lengannya. Kang raihan pun mengenalkannya kepada nadiya, bunda dan teh hani. Kita kedatangan staf baru, namanya teh ina dri jawa. Silahkan perkenalkan diri.
Perkenalkan nama saya ina, saya dari tegal, mohon bantuannya ya semuanya.
Barakallah mba ina, saut kita bertiga. Semoga betah kerja disini, kita akan bantu kok mba.
Ternyata pada hari itu, kang Raihan memendam rasa pada mba ina.
dan tiba- tiba setelah beberapa hari, mungkin seminggu dari kedatangan mba ina. Nadiya mendengar sesuatu yang tak terduga. terdengar lah obrolan dari mulut mba ina bahwa kang raihan suka sama mba ina dan ingin melamarnya dan mba ina menolak laraman tersebut. Pada waktu itu, Mba ina tak tau kalau Nadiya dan kang raihan telah bertunangan.
Jleb… sedih…..pasti nadiya merasakannya. Tapi tak pernah dia ungkapkan pada kang Raihan.
Tak pernah sedikitpun nadiya mengeluhkan hal tersebut pada kang Raihan. Nadiya hanya menceritakannya kepada Bunda nur yang selalu memberi nasehat, motivasi untuk nadiya dan juga teh hani.
Bunda, bagaimana ini?
Tenang aja, kalau pun jodoh gak akan kemana, toh mba ina nya juga menolak. Bund pun menyebutkan bahwa Allah telah persiapkan yang terbaik untuk hamba-hamba nya, laki-laki yang baik akan Allah pasangkan dengan perempuan yang baik dan laki-laki yang tidak baik adalah untuk perempuan yang tidak baik pula, sebagaimana surat an nur ayat 26.
Iya ya bunda.
Akhirnya hati nadiya tenang kembali setelah mendengar nasehat bunda.
Nadiya dan kang Raihan tak pernah berkomunikasi sedikit pun setelah adanya pertunangan, Karena mereka sama-sama ingin menjaga diri, sebelum ijab terucap, sebelum halal tertancap pada mereka. Sungguh mereka paham akan apa yang Allah perintahkan. Karena tunangan bukanlah jembatan menuju halal, tunangan hanya tanda bahwa mereka sudah ditandai, agar tak ada yang berani melamar yang sudah dilamar. Mereka tahu bahwa halalnya mereka ketika ijab qobul sudah terucap, maka mereka tak berani bahkan hanya untuk sapa lewat pesan singkat. Sungguh mulia keadaan mereka.
Rencana menikah mereka setelah dua bulan pertunangan, namun tak ada kabar dari kang raihan untuk menyusun semua rancangan pernikahan yang sudah direncanakan. Hal ini membuat nadiya kebingungan, menanti dalam cemas dan harap. Menanti kapan pesan singkat itu akan datang. Dia lihat whatsapp dan facebook nya, tak ada satupun pesan yang muncul.
Dalam penantian dan pengharapan nadiya berdoa meminta yang terbaik kepada sang pencipta Nya, Allah. Dia ambil air wudhu dan sholat istikhoroh dua rakaat, dan berdoa dengan doa istikhoroh.
Ya Allah aku memohon pilihan berdasarkan pilihan-Mu, meminta ketentuan dari-Mu sesuai dengan kekuasaan-Mu serta meminta karuniamu yang agung. Sungguh engkau maha kuasa, sedangkan aku lemah engkau maha mengetahui sedangkan aku bodoh. Engkau maha mengetahui yang tersembunyi. Ya Allah, Jika Engkau mengetahui bahwa kang Raihan baik untukku dalam agamaku, kehidupanku seta akibatnya, maka takdirkalah ia untukku dan mudahkanlah bagiku. Kemudian , anugerahilah akukeberkahan didalamnya. Namun, jika engkau mengetahui bahwakang Raihan buruk untukku dalam agamaku, kehidupanku, dan akibatnya, jauhkanlah aku darinya dan takdirkanlah untukku apa yang baik dimana pun ia berada. Lalu biarkanlah aku ridho dengannya. Aamiin ya robbal alamin
Setelah itu, nadiya menguhungi bunda nur, menceritakan semua hal yang dialami atas penantiannya. Bunda pun memberanikan diri menanyakan hal itu kepada kang raihan, atas ketidakpastian yang nadiya dapatkan.
Dan tiba-tiba …
Nadiya mendengar jawaban atas sholat istikhoroh yang nadiya lakukan.
Bunda bertemu dengan nadiya di masjid dan Bunda mengatakan bahwa kang raihan akan menikah minggu depan dan kang raihan menyampaikan minta maaf nya untuk nadiya karena tiba-tiba mendapatkan kabar seperti ini, dan minta maaf jugakepada keluarganya nadiya.
Menikah dengan siapa bunda? Tanya nadiya.
Dengan ukhti serlina.  Jawab bunda
Siapa itu ukhti serlina?
Ukhti serlina adalah teman kuliah kang raihan waktu dulu.
Kenapa kang raihan menghilang ya bunda, tak ada kabar? Dan ketika ada kabar malah ini yg didapat.
Katanya dia tak sanggup mengatakan hal itu kepadamu nadiya.
Semoga nadiya mendapatkan yang lebih baik dari kang raihan ya. Semoga tabah atas semua yang Allah rencanakan untuk nadiya. Semoga nadiya bertemu dengan seseorang yang akan membuat hati dan pikiran Nadiya tentram.
Aamiin ya robbal alamin, makasih ya bunda atas doanya. Semoga bunda juga dapat yang seperti itu.
Pada saat bunda bercerita bahwa kang raihan akan menikah minggu depan, nadiya menahan rasa sedinya, dan menumpahkannya ketika nadiya sesampainya di rumah, dia langsung datang ke kamar sembari mengunci pintu kamar dan mengangis tersedu-sedu. Setelah itu dia mengingat akan takdir yang Allah berikan. Inilah takdirku, jangan kecewa dengan apa yang sudah terjadi denganku, aku harus menerima semua keputuan Allah, ini adalah jawaban atas sholat istihorohku. Harus tetap berprasangka baik bahwa Allah sedang mempersiakan yang pantas dan layak untukku, mungkin aku belum siap untuk menikah sekarang, dan kemungkinan prasangka positip lainnya yang datang dalam benak pikiran nadiya.
Nadiya pun bersuka hati dan bersenang hati dengan adanya kabar tersebut dan kang raihan pun bahagia dengan pernikahannya.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Calmness and recovery

My muslim brothers and sisters.
Today, I'm going to tell you about the second priority of prayer after  the obligatory prayer (pray five times a day)  is Tahajud.
Tahajud means that you pray in the middle of night. You have to sleep before you pray tahajud. Allah the Almighty explain it in surat Al-muzammil. You can recite it and also read the interpretation of that surat.
There are a lot of sweetness that you can get from tahajud prayer.
There are two of my experience that i get from tahajud which i will give it to you.
I feel calm. Yes.  I feel calm.  After a lot work that i have done, after i throught the day with a lot of activity. I feel that tahajud make me calm.  Make my soul alive, my soul had never been as calm as like this feeling.
You so muslim brothers and sisters, you have to try this. You have to feel this calmness
 Which you will not find in other things in this world. Believe to Allah. It's real.  I who feel this,  i really suggested you to fell this calmness.  You will not never dissapointed with my advice.  Because i who have feel this,  i hope you also will feel what i feel.  Calmness.
Next,  i had ever got sick,  it is like astma,  but the astma just will start to get sick,  so actually,  it is like symptoms which indicate that my astma will relapse. Then i got up in the middle of night,  maybe around 2 o'clock. I take a wudhu and pray tahajud and i ask to Allah to cure my atsma. And after that i sleep again then i get up to pray subuh. Then i was feel good at that time. So,  Tahajud is like a medicine which can cure your body. That is my second experience.

Actually,  for some people,    It is maybe hard and easy for some people to get up in the middle of night and pray tahajud.  For the solution i ask you to ask help to Allah so that you can get up in the middle of night to pray tahajud,  after that you have to have a great intention or motive to get up to pray tahajud. But if you still can't get up and pray tahajud.  Maybe the next tips that i will give to youcan help you to wake up and get up.  So see you in my next tips.  Bye bye for now

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Solve your problem

Your thought is the source of your problem. For example: when you are doing to meet your lecture in order to have proposal consultation,  your thought maybe think about bad think about your lecturer, you fell afraid if your lecture angry because of your proposal or etc. Another example,  when you fell can't face your problem.  What will you do? What will you think?
Maybe you fell depressed,  stress, unhappy etc.  Where did you get those feeling which come to you?  Yes the right answer is from your thought. Your thought is the way you think. The thinking is like this.  You are get tired and you fell stress.  Get tired is as a problem and fell stress is as a result of your thought. So
Try to control your thought.

Solve your problem by thinking about people which have more difficult than you. Thankful for

Saturday, September 8, 2018

your finger

Believe or not?

Look  at your finger, once more.  Look it again. For every single person, you who have finger,  you who type with  your finger. You save so much sin with your finger. But you can have so much good deeds because of your finger.  Why it can be happened?

As long as you write bad thing and publish it.  And other people read your writing. And the person which read your book doing what you suggest. As long as person read and do bad things that you write. You get so much sin. It depends on what  you write.

You also can have so much good deeds,  when you write good things and a person who read your book do What you suggest.  As long as person who read do good things because of your writing. You will get good deeds.  Even if you dead.

So,  It depends on what you write. The choice is on you.  Yourself. I suggest you to think carefully, when you write something.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

how many hours do you spend your time?

how many hours do you spend your time with your lord, with Allah?

in a day, there are 24 hours. lets count how many hours we as a muslim spend our time with our lord, Allah.

subuh prayer, 5 minutes. duhur prayer 5 minute. ashar prayer 5 minutes. magrib prayer 5 minute. and isya prayer 5 minute.

so the amount of that is 25 minutes. 24 hours is minus by 25 minutes is 23 hours and 35 minutes. isn't it?


are we just give time to Allah 25 minutes?


are you not interest with tahajud prayer where rosulullah never left it? are you not interest to recite al-quran where al-quran is your ways of life?

let's we spend our time in a day to recite al-quran, to pray tahajud, pray duha, pray hajat, pray istihoroh. from when? from now, yes right now.


Friday, April 13, 2018

My Ninth Reflection

My Ninth Reflection

9th- 12th of April 2018, I study as follow:

A teacher has to put description in students’ writing assessment and the teacher have to see the students’ strength in students’ writing, that is professional teacher. Every single thing should assess by the teacher, such us:

Students’ writing leaves spaces from words.

They form and places letter on the line.

They write legibly.

They Writes sentence using subject object pattern with basically which include some simple adverbial and use adverbial of time.

They uses article a and the and include abbreviation.

They use past-tenses of irregular.

They use known words to attends spelling of unfamiliar words.

They use basic punctuation, basic conjunction.

The teacher have to give positive feedback instead of saying your writing is bad, but we have to say, uses known errors instead unfamiliar word.

They write using formulaic structure and uses upper and lower case letter, includes a heading, using basic punctuation, spells mort familiar words accurately.

Five things which is important: Competence, indicators, materials/ media, learning process, assessment.

There are three kinds of assessment:

Assessment of learning is mostly done at the end of task which usually summative.

Assessment as learning is the use of nonstop self-assessment by students in order to monitor their own learning

Assessment for learning happens during the learning, often more than once. Students understand exactly what they are to learn, what is expected of them and students are given feedback and advice on how to improve their work.


On Wednesday, I studied about how to make detailed reading and On Thursday, my friend and I shared thing which is very special thing for our self in front of class when UTN lesson and we answered reading test. and we also should give a comment to our friends’ teaching.

We as a teacher should always reflect on theirself the way we teach, Selalu merefleksi diri, sincere toiklas menerima masukan dan memberi masukan dari orang lain.

Three thing that teacher should pay attention:

  1. In interaction, teacher should use teacher centeres which mean that the teacher should pay attention when to use teacher centered. The teacher can ask a question to students which the teacher has known the answer or negotiation. The teacher can also ask asks a question to students which the students don’t know the answer for example the teacher can asks students experience.

  2. Learning behavior. It means that the teacher should pay attention the development of students: cognitive, affective and psikomotor. In cognitive, teacher should pay attention to toxonomy bloom which consist of remembering, understanding, applying, anylzing, evaluate and creating. In affective, there are 5 thing that should be pay attention; receiving (students listening to teacher explanation), responding (the students can asks teacher question), valuing, organization, caharacterization. The teacher should look whether the students affective improve higher than before. And also teacher should pay attention to psikomotor, which is consist of imitating, manipulating, preceding, articulating and naturalizing.

  3. Students text. It means that the teacher should pay attention to the text that will be given to students. Is the text easy enough? Is the text difficult for students?

Teaching is no easy ways because there are a lot thing that should be think. Teaching is to fulfill students’ needs which the development is different. Teaching is to make the students can communicate effectively.




My Eighth Reflection

My Eighth Reflection

2th -5th  of April 2018, I studied a lot of thing, such us:

  1. The difference between HOT and HOTs. I got some explanation from the lecture about HOT. Lecture said that something which makes the students curious is HOT (Higher Order Thinking). While HOTs (Higher Order Thinking Skill) is theory of Taxonomy Bloom which include analyze, evaluate, and create.

  2. In making an activity, something that should pay attention is in the word choices, such us:

The students hear the song and the students read the text. The word “hear” and “read” isn’t part of activity. It should be: The students answer the question from the song which is heard. And the students write the important information from what has been read. The word “answer” and “write” is an activity.

The teacher doesn’t have to explain the material to the students, but the teacher can explain the material to make the students can answer the worksheet or task. Teacher also doesn’t have to explain grammar explicitly. But the teacher can ask a question related to the grammar, and students answer the question correctly. For example, if the teacher want to teach present perfect. The teacher can ask to the students a question related to present perfect, where have you been this week? Or have you ever been to bromo?

  1. The text which is given by the teacher to the students should be authentic. Authentic means that the text is relevant with students’ life.

Interaction in detailed reading:

  • Preparing before reading: teacher first tells the students what to look for, and engage students by asking question with easy to answer (what students need to know about the text), use image to promote students, and introduce the text.

  • Elaboration, encourage students to bring their experience to reading, relate to students own experience, and accept all responses.

  1. When making the proposal research, the first thing that should be pay attention is the title of the research. The title should focus, and not too specific.




My seventh reflection

My seventh reflection

25th -29th of March 2018, I study about:

What are the questions to ask about social function of the text?

Social function is to examine the awareness of students about the text and it different with the purpose of the text. In order to let the students know about social function, a teacher should give questions which lead to the social function. The question must let the students know the potential reader of the text; it must let students aware where they find the text. Then, the question also must make students know where, when, and how to use the text.  In narrative text, the teacher can ask social function such us:

  1. Where did you usually find this kind of text?

  2. What does this text tell you about?

  3. Who will read this kind of text?

  4. What information can you learn from the text?

  5. Why do you want to read this text?

  6. How is the text related to your life?

What are the questions to ask text structure of the text?

Here are some questions which can use to ask about the understanding of text structure.

  1. What is the main idea?

  2. What is the first paragraph about?

  3. What is the second paragraph about?

  4. What is the third paragraph about?

Reading to learn is read at first and then write. As a teacher, the teacher should let the students understand the text in general terms by giving the background knowledge they need to understand. For example: if the text about malin kundang, so the teacher can ask a question first before read the text. Who is malin kundang?. Then ask the student to read particular sentence in paragraph one line three which tell who is malin kundang. One student read the text and the other hear. After that, the teacher asks other student the question which is related to what has been read by student. Is malin kundang from Sumatra?

After that, the teacher can move to another question, when did malin kundang go to the city? Then asks again the other student to read the sentence in paragraph two line one which consists of the answer where malin kundang went. And the other students hear. So, the teacher should involve other students in the process of learning. Read the text by giving a question. If the students can retell the text then the students has understand.



My Sixth Reflection

My Sixth Reflection

19th – 23th of March 2018, I learn about:

Indikator penting dan menunjang, ada tiga jenis indicator:

  • Indikator kunci yaitu indicator yang mana minimal harus tercapai kompetensi yang ada dalam standar minimal KD.

  • Indikator pendukung.

  • Indikator pengayaan yaitu apabila peserta didik memiliki kemampuan lebih dari standar minimal KD.

Something that should be understands about functional text:

  1. The purpose of recount is to retell about experience, about people experience, not about place. While Historical recount should tell about people experience which will make the students love our country or motherland. The purpose of recount text is to retell someone’s experience. Recount base on personal experience but there is not complication or there is no resolution. The difference between recount text and narrative text is in narrative text there is complication and resolution. Recount text can tell about the conflict from paragraph into paragraph but there is not a resolution. Or the text can tell about only an achievement.

  2. Report text explains about place.

  3. Description text. In the general identification or in the first paragraph should be given an announcement that the description in the next paragraph until the end of the paragraph will explain about the location, shape, and function. The question of descriptive text should connect to the text, we can ask such as: How you are feel when you are there ?, what do you see?

  4. To test students understanding about understanding the song, we can give a teacher a tast to retell a song or review a song, and what is the moral value in the song. Or the students are asked to write a song

Handwriting or digital writing?

In my opinion, I prefer digital writing than handwriting. It is because two reasons. First, it will not take too much cost. It doesn’t have to print. In handwriting, the paper should print and  the teacher revises it and write again the right one in different paper then the teacher revises it again. The process like that needs lots of budget which should spend much materials from the beginning of writing until the end of writing which needs printer and paper which should buy. In digital writing also has the same benefit will be gets as well as handwriting, the writing task will be assess also in digital writing. So, the use of digital writing really helps to not waste too much money.

Second, in this modern era, the use of technology can’t prohibit which the world change so fast. The communications are rapidly improved which the students can communicate to the person from another country easily by using social media which means the students need different ways to learn and to express themselves which appropriate with this modern era. One thing that can make them interest to write and to communicate is by using technology itself. So, the use of digital writing is a new ways to make the students interest in doing task especially writing task.

In conclusion, digital writing can make easier the students in doing writing task and they will be fun in doing the task because it matches with their needs in this modern era.

Smart reader

Smart Reader
There are four things to make sure that what you read is a fact. First, you have to make sure that the site of the news can be trust, such us the end of the site is like .com, for example: britishenglish.com or bbc.com. Second, you have to look who said the quotes in the news or article including what they said. Third, you have to confirm that the quotes in the news or article are true. You can ask to the person who said the quotes whether the information is true or not and ask through social media, or maybe meet the person. Finally, there are usually factual data to prove the news or article is fact. It can be photo and video. So, you have to make sure the site can be trust, then make sure who said the quotes in news or who said in the article, next you have to confirm what you read, and at last you have to make sure that there is factual data.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

AHA Moments

This year February 2018, I have been followed PPG program in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia for 2 months. There was a lot of experience. There were a lot of AHA moments when I was participating for about 2 months. AHA moment was participating in this program was when the process of discussion in the group. At that time, my friends and I had to discuss about pre-test in a group of three. We discussed it when the process of learning. We discussed a question in the group about why the answer is A or B. we had to find the right answer by searching the correct answer and give a reason why the answer is A and not B. From that time, I understood why the answer is A and not B and it was more clear when the other group share the answer of different question and give the reason. I started to understand why the answer is A not B.

The AHA moment also when we tried to make an assessment in a group and we had also made a question which is out of the text which should include students’ high order thinking skills. I also learned about how to make indicator from the KD. Then, I also got knowledge about genre based approach and scientific approach practically from one of our lecture.

There were also good moment about AHA moment or maybe it was about preparation for study. It was when we had to do an activity such us; we had to write three sentences about our self. We had to write about two sentences which true about our self and one sentence was about correct thing about our self. And share it with another friend in the classroom. So, I was thinking about using this kind of activity later in my classroom.

Another activity which I still remember was about the question that I was answer. It was consist of clues to find something in the internet with fast and efficient. So, you should put quotation about what you want to find in the internet, and there will be a list only what you want to find then the result is not more than 5 lists which provided in the internet. It was make me easy to find out the result in the internet.

I was also gave advice from my lecturer about how to focus of myself. After my lecture was giving that advice, the first thing that I realized was about to say sorry to my friend and from that day, I tried to no ask something to my friend that I can answer by myself. I try to focus on myself about something which could answer and I tried to look at the condition which maybe my friend didn’t want to disturb and didn’t want to ask. So, I just release that I have so many behavior that should be fix.  I really thank you also to my lecture, thank you so much

From the experienced, I tried to answer some question of IELTS reading, there were a lot of question in my head when I had answered the question. Some of my answered was wrong and I had to look the keys answer why the answer was wrong. And I tried to look back to question and the keys answered.  Maybe I have to try hard to answer some more questions in reading section so all the question will answer correctly.

But because there were a lot of homework, reading for preparation for UTN not space too much time from seven days in a weeks and I also had difficulties in doing PTK.

So, I think I will read a lot of thing especially read the news in BBC, British council, IELTS and also TOEFL in a weeks. Also about PTK/classroom action research, I will read a lot about it so I can find out the solution. To make the time effectively, I will read BBC in any place, anytime, and anywhere. Every place is a classroom and every person is a teacher.

My do’a/ my prayer/ my request

5th of April 2018,

In one hadits, rosulullah shollallohu alaihi wasalam said, if you ask something, ask to Alloh. So this is what I ask to Alloh. Allah knows what I want. This is my do’a/prayer. Ya Alloh ya robbi, ya rohman ya rohim, ya ghofur. Allohumma sholli ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala ali sayyidina Muhammad.  I hope my friends and i can through this hard time and this busy days during the PPG (Program Profesi Guru) successfully. I hope our homework can be easily done perfectly and I hope we can get better test result on post-test. Ya Allah, I hope we can pass the UTN examination. Ya Allah please granted my prayer.

Ya Alloh forgive me and forgive my parents also, and give affection to them as they love me when I was kid. Oh my lord, ya rohman, ya rohim, ya ghofur, please give us nur,  Show us the right way to my parents, my brothers, my sisters, my lecturers, my friends, my neighbor, my students, and all muslim all over the world, ya Alloh give my sisters and brother muslim/muslimah all over the world feeling of calm and safety. Ya Alloh give us istiqomah in this way. Give us istiqomah to do the obligation and the sunnah. Ya Alloh, give me the the husband which is sholleh and my future kids also sholeh/sholehah, and also grandchild which is holeh/sholehah.

Ya Allah give us your blessing, if our rezeki still in the sky, please relegating, if our rezeki still in the earth please come out.  Ya allah please granted my do’a

Thursday, March 29, 2018

site which really help teacher in learning




Wednesday, March 28, 2018

How to ask personal information.


How to ask personal information.

Could I get your number?  Little indirect

Could I get your e-mail address? Little indirect

Are you on facebook?

Are you on skype?

Are you on linkedin?

Yes, I’m. my skype is ……

or no, but my phone number is….

Of course, my phone number is…..

Of course, my email address is….

What’s your number? direct



What do you should say when you forget someone’s name?

Most native speaker of English would never say this question “what’s your name?”, The common question that we as a student  learn  to ask someone’s name is by saying what is your name?

It is more polite to be little indirect, such us ask someone’s name by sayin “hi, I’m zulfa and you?”

Just introduce yourself and most people will respond by doing the same.

If you forget someone’s name, the most polite to do is to apologize and ask again. I’m sorry, what was your name? or I’m sorry, what was your name again?

In united kindom, it is normal to address people by name in conversation, it is way to show respect, for example: when you are talking to the person name andy, you can say, andy, what do you do for fun?

Or what do you do for fun, andy?



Where you live?

You can answer to this question where do you live such as I live in Indonesia. Etc. there are many ways to answer this question.

Afre asking someone’s live, you can add comment such us: that's a really nice area or the park that is really pretty. Don’t comment negative.








You can ask about someone school to the person upper 22 years old. Where did you go to university? And you can answer “ I went to (name of university), in (city). I went to Tokyo university in japan. You can add comment or response, wow, that’s a really famous university.

Or you can ask again, what was your major? Or what did you study?





How to ask about someone’s family?

Do you have any siblings? It Is a direct question

You have to say” do you have any brothers or sisters? It is little indirect. And you can answer, “yes, I have two brothers.” Or” I have a brother and a sister.” Or I have two sisters.”

Or yeah I have two younger brother. (saya punya dua adik laki-laki)

Or yes, I have a younger brother and an older sister.(saya punya adik laki-laki dan kakak perempuan)


If someone only answer “ I have a brother and a sister.”you can ask “is he or she older or younger than you?” or “are they older or younger than you?”


If you don’t have a brother and a sister, you can answer “ I’m an only child”

And after someone’s answer your question, you can say, “oh really?







How to compliment someone

I love your (noun)

I really like your (noun)

Response thanks, oh really? thanks

Where did you get it? or where sis you buy it? the answer “ I got it at  (shop) in (town/city).” Or “I got it in (country)”

Don’t ask how much it costs to native English speaker, because it is rude question and only can be ask by close friend. And don’t say “it looks expensive” or “how much was it?”








How to ask what people do on weekday evening.

What do you usually do on Friday or Saturday nights?

What do you usually do on weekend?


What kinds of music do you like? This is formal ways.

The natural ways is “What kinds of music are you into?

You can answer “ I’m really into hip-hop” or “i really like classical music” and “ I like people like maherzain”




Talk about food

What kind of food do you like? This is common question.

It is better so ask; do you like fish and ships? Yes, I do

And you can response, Why do you like it?

If you don’t like fish, you can say “not really.”

And you can response “do you know a good place for ramen?”




Asking someone holidays.

Are you going on holiday this year?

yeah I'm going to Hawaii in July


I'm planning to go to Hawaii or maybe Thailand.




Sumber : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtEixjKMPfM&t=824s




How to ask personal information.


How to ask personal information.

Could I get your number?  Little indirect

Could I get your e-mail address? Little indirect

Are you on facebook?

Are you on skype?

Are you on linkedin?

Yes, I’m. my skype is ……

or no, but my phone number is….

Of course, my phone number is…..

Of course, my email address is….

What’s your number? direct



What do you should say when you forget someone’s name?

Most native speaker of English would never say this question “what’s your name?”, The common question that we as a student  learn  to ask someone’s name is by saying what is your name?

It is more polite to be little indirect, such us ask someone’s name by sayin “hi, I’m zulfa and you?”

Just introduce yourself and most people will respond by doing the same.

If you forget someone’s name, the most polite to do is to apologize and ask again. I’m sorry, what was your name? or I’m sorry, what was your name again?

In united kindom, it is normal to address people by name in conversation, it is way to show respect, for example: when you are talking to the person name andy, you can say, andy, what do you do for fun?

Or what do you do for fun, andy?



Where you live?

You can answer to this question where do you live such as I live in Indonesia. Etc. there are many ways to answer this question.

Afre asking someone’s live, you can add comment such us: that's a really nice area or the park that is really pretty. Don’t comment negative.








You can ask about someone school to the person upper 22 years old. Where did you go to university? And you can answer “ I went to (name of university), in (city). I went to Tokyo university in japan. You can add comment or response, wow, that’s a really famous university.

Or you can ask again, what was your major? Or what did you study?





How to ask about someone’s family?

Do you have any siblings? It Is a direct question

You have to say” do you have any brothers or sisters? It is little indirect. And you can answer, “yes, I have two brothers.” Or” I have a brother and a sister.” Or I have two sisters.”

Or yeah I have two younger brother. (saya punya dua adik laki-laki)

Or yes, I have a younger brother and an older sister.(saya punya adik laki-laki dan kakak perempuan)


If someone only answer “ I have a brother and a sister.”you can ask “is he or she older or younger than you?” or “are they older or younger than you?”


If you don’t have a brother and a sister, you can answer “ I’m an only child”

And after someone’s answer your question, you can say, “oh really?







How to compliment someone

I love your (noun)

I really like your (noun)

Response thanks, oh really? thanks

Where did you get it? or where sis you buy it? the answer “ I got it at  (shop) in (town/city).” Or “I got it in (country)”

Don’t ask how much it costs to native English speaker, because it is rude question and only can be ask by close friend. And don’t say “it looks expensive” or “how much was it?”








How to ask what people do on weekday evening.

What do you usually do on Friday or Saturday nights?

What do you usually do on weekend?


What kinds of music do you like? This is formal ways.

The natural ways is “What kinds of music are you into?

You can answer “ I’m really into hip-hop” or “i really like classical music” and “ I like people like maherzain”




Talk about food

What kind of food do you like? This is common question.

It is better so ask; do you like fish and ships? Yes, I do

And you can response, Why do you like it?

If you don’t like fish, you can say “not really.”

And you can response “do you know a good place for ramen?”




Asking someone holidays.

Are you going on holiday this year?

yeah I'm going to Hawaii in July


I'm planning to go to Hawaii or maybe Thailand.




Sumber : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtEixjKMPfM&t=824s




Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Where are you from?

Where are you from?

It can mean which city are you from? Or Which country are you from?

There are two ways to answer this question:

  • I’m Japanese.

  • I’m Indonesian.


  • I’m from japan.

  • I’m from Indonesia.

If you are from famous city, you can say I’m from new delhi. Or I’m from Jakarta.

You can also ask question. Are you from London?

And you can answer no, I’m from Jakarta.

Media mengajar menggunakan communication web 2.0

 Media mengajar menggunakan Communication web 2.0 Sekarang kita hidup di jalan AI dan zaman dimana teknologi membantu pekerjaan kita. Murid ...