
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

JCOT (Join construction of text)

 please analyze the text and find the language feature and structure of the text :

Answer this question:

1. Which sentence in the text is about general classification?

2. Which sentence in the text is about description?



Full in the form with action verb, simple present tense, technical terms, and lingking verb :

1. Action verb 


2. Simple present tense. 


3. Technical terms 


4. Lingking verbs













































silahkan klik link berikut untuk mengetahuoi tnetang technical language dari text camera technical terms of camera, technical terms dari binatang technical terms animal, klik link ini untuk mencari technical terms dari telephone Technical terms telephone, klik link ini untuk mencari Technical terms dari komputer Tehnical terms computer


dan untuk mengecek technical terms dari "komputer" apakah kata yang kita temukan termasuk ke dalam technical terms atau bukan, silahkan klik link ini cek technical terms dan ketikan kata yang ingin di cek. jika ditemukan didalam pencarian,  berartri kata itu termasuk technical terms. contoh, kita akan mencari kata "frame" dan ada pengertian dari frame. berarti kata" frame" adalah technical terms.

contoh :

 namun ketika dicari kata "woman" ternyata kata"woman" tidak ditemukan definisi, makan kata "woman" bukan termasuk technical terms. 

JCOT (group 1)

silahkan klik link ini teks grup 1 dan jawab pertanyaan berikut

Answer this question:

1. Which sentence in the text is about general classification?

2. Which sentence in the text is about description?


Fill in the form with action verb, simple present tense, technical terms, and lingking verb :

1. Action verb 


2. Simple present tense. 


3. Technical terms 


4. Lingking verbs











































JCOT (Group 2)


 Silahkan klik link ini Text group 2 dan jawab pertanyaan berikut :


Answer this question:

1. Which sentence in the text is about general classification?

2. Which sentence in the text is about description?


Fill in the form with action verb, simple present tense, technical terms, and lingking verb :

1. Action verb 


2. Simple present tense. 


3. Technical terms 


4. Lingking verbs









































JCOT (Group 4)

Silahkan klik link ini teks grup 4 dan jawab pertanyaan berikut :


Answer this question:

1. Which sentence in the text is about general classification?

2. Which sentence in the text is about description?

Fill in the form with action verb, simple present tense, technical terms, and lingking verb :

1. Action verb 


2. Simple present tense. 


3. Technical terms 


4. Lingking verbs























 JCOT (Group 5)

Silahkan klik link ini teks grup 5 dan jawab pertanyaan berikut :

Answer this question:

1. Which sentence in the text is about general classification?

2. Which sentence in the text is about description?


Fill in the form with action verb, simple present tense, technical terms, and lingking verb :

1. Action verb 


2. Simple present tense. 


3. Technical terms 


4. Lingking verbs














JCOT (group 3)

Silahkan klik link ini text group 3 dan jawab pertanyaan berikut :


Answer this question:

1. Which sentence in the text is about general classification?

2. Which sentence in the text is about description?


Fill in the form with action verb, simple present tense, technical terms, and lingking verb :

1. Action verb 


2. Simple present tense. 


3. Technical terms 


4. Lingking verbs






















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